The Pads Experience
Do you ever experience a queasy sort of self-consciousness where you feel the world around you has suddenly frozen and you're left alone to ponder monologue style to the invisible documentarian we all imagine is filming our lives, "Ohmygod, is this really happening?" Remember when you were 13 and that vomitous sense of unease was all that you were capable of feeling? (You're going to have to reach back to before the time when extreme and uncontrollable horniness was all that your teenage self was capable of feeling). We call that feeling – and really that entire time in your life or any song, movie, person or conversation capable of inspiring that feeling - pads. Because when you're wandering the halls of junior high as one big zit set adrift on a sea of Aqua Net, and you've just been blessed with that glorious life sentence of bleeding from the cunt, there's nothing like the powder-fresh chafing of a maxi-pad crammed in between your legs to make you feel…is it possible?…more awkward.
Like survivors of some terrible tragedy, we find there's solace in sharing our pads memories. This blog contains 3 girls' accounts of those moments that for us will forever be recalled as "That's so pads."
Like survivors of some terrible tragedy, we find there's solace in sharing our pads memories. This blog contains 3 girls' accounts of those moments that for us will forever be recalled as "That's so pads."
At 2:46 PM,
The Koop said…
As surprise b-day parties go this is pretty horrid. Only thing I got which might be near the same level are my disasterous slumber parties. one at 13 when my friends got out of control almost broke my dad's entertainment system causing my hormonal mother to come downstairs and rage like the apocolypse. Lets just say I didnt have many friends after that night. Another one happened during the summer. We all went swimming at the local pool earlier in the evening. Later on while watching a movie I started to feel bad. By the end of the night I was asleep upstairs in my bed with strep throat. I didnt even get to tell my friends by in the morning since I was contagious. The pads years are ones Im still working on blocking out completely!
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